Many moons ago while in college, there was this particular day when a session went on for 3 hours without a break. There were many a bladder full and waiting for release and nirvana. The lecture finished, and there was a mad dash to the rest room. The ones who could actually walk/jog/run without looking like something unpleasant stuck up their posteriors, made it there first. There was a collective sigh of relief, and AM’s voice piped up…
”Maaann!…this is better than sex…!!!!!”
At that point in time, it was quite a statement to make. I am assuming that for most people in that rest room that day, it would have been slightly difficult to relate the two, since they would have only experienced nirvana from release of the bladder, and not the other bit.
He became a hero to some…and ostracized by the “OH MY GOD, HOW COULD YOU!” types.
While on the subject, I have come to notice two stances that men seem to take while doing the dew.
First – looking down. At what I can only imagine. Leaves me wondering if it is some form of a water fetish. Trying to figure out where the gush is coming from, like one doesn’t already know? Like one HAS to know? Or is it more the, “Oh, it’s still there, Am I glad or what?!!!”
Second – Looking up, head tilted to the heavens, with eyes closed. One is thanking the Almighty that HE/SHE got one to the restroom in time to avert an accident? Ideas seem to hit just at that precise moment? Or simply the self assurance that “I am complete and everything is where it has to be..!!!!!”
I, look straight ahead, and say a tiny prayer that I don’t splash my trousers, do the needful and get out with pants and pride intact.
Nirvana accomplished.