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"Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why, when I am in special need of help, the good deed is usually done by somebody on whom I have no claim" ~William Feather

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Then....and Now..!!!

"Here I am sitting in office…and it just occurred to me...

How it changed from a maverick college life to a strict professional life…..and to think that we used to occasionally at least feel rebellious about the "discipline" required to attend classes, study for exams etc etc...

How tiny pocket money changed to relatively huge monthly paychecks
but then why it never gives me the same level of contentment….

How a few local pairs of jeans and colourful tees changed to a new branded wardrobe
but then why there is less excitement in wearing them...

How a single plate of samosas (usually fought over by more people than the number of samosas!), changed to a full pizza or burger at any given time
But then why there is less hunger…..

How a bike always in reserve fuel changed to a car always in full
but then why there are less places I want to or have time to go to…

How a small, local coffee shop changed to the myriad Cafe Coffee Days/Baristas/5-Star Coffee shops
but then why it feels like I have to "make" time to "do" coffee…..

How a limited prepaid card changed to a paid-for-by-company-postpaid package
but then why there are fewer calls that I WANT to make...

How general class train trips changed to flights
But then why there are less vacations for enjoyment….

How an old assembled desktop changed to a new, branded laptop
but then why there is less time and even less inclination to switch it on, other than for work……….

How a small bunch of friends changed to a much bigger number of office mates
but then why after 6 o'clock it always feels like we're getting late….

Life just changed one day it seems....and bigger somehow didn't add up to better. Ironic."


Blogger Aarti said...

interesting bunch of thots here... but they are all so true!!!

guess thats why they say life goes on...and we change along with it!!:)

[so did u get any work done, or was this it???;)]

7:10 PM  
Blogger Dusty Fog said...

...: )

7:27 PM  
Blogger Seema said...

I'm not sure if it was the new classroom every year, or the new books for each year, or even the new desks to occupy or just the people around, school and college was never boring. I now admit even attending the classes wasn't as boring as some days at office when I have so much work that no time to breath even. Yet at the end of the day I complain of boredom. I guess we've got serious about life and in the process forgotten how to live it.

10:32 PM  
Blogger Lakshmi said...

n y is it tat when we are the happiest we still wish tat we cud share it wit friends from school/college etc..was "happy" defined the best only at that age i wonder? :)

3:13 PM  
Blogger Iya said...

so true... so completely true... life just changed... and how I wish to relive those times once again..
ps: came here via Anumeha's blog

3:18 PM  
Blogger Dusty Fog said...

Lakshmi - i share your "wonder" too..: )

iya - if we could only turn back time...thank you for dropping by...always a pleasure...: )

6:15 PM  
Blogger Mahesh Sindbandge said...

Good one...
thoughts put to gether seemed very true...
keep going..

6:56 PM  

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